Recently, there was report of data theft from video conferencing app Zoom, due to which Google had banned the Zoom app. Now one such news is also coming for the biggest social media platform Facebook. Hackers have stolen the data (Facebook Data Leak) of about 27 million users from Facebook! This data includes information like users name, address, email id, phone number, Facebook id and date of birth. There was even a possibility of Facebook password leaking but fortunately this did not happen. Researchers at Cyble have downloaded and verified the data by detecting this hacking.
According to the reports, there was no clue as to how the data was leaked. But experts believe that a third party API (Application Programming Interface) could be the reason for this happening. It is highly possible that the data can be used in online fraud or fraud. Because it contains the personal information of the users like name, address, email id, phone number, Facebook Id and date of birth etc. which hackers can misuse.
When was the data stolen?
In December last year, a report was given that the data of 24.7 billion users, including people’s names and phone numbers, has been leaked online. It is likely to be the same data, which must have leaked at that time.
Tips for Facebook users:
If you have an account on Facebook and you have linked many apps to Facebook then-
- First of all identify those apps and unlink from Facebook.
- To do this, you need to go to Facebook’s settings.
- Set login-alert by going to Facebook account settings.
- For this, go to Security and Login Settings, there you have to click on Get Alert.
- Now you login alert has been activated, whenever you login, you will continue to receive alerts.
- For more security, you should change the password from time to time.
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