The e-commerce giant Amazon confirmed on Wednesday, 5th Feb, 2020 that he is going to launch its most awaited smart speaker “Echo Show 8” 26th Feb 2020. In India the price of this speaker will be Rs. 12,999. The latest additions to the Amazon “Echo Show 8” will feature an 8-inch HD screen and a built-in camera with shutter. It will also support stereo sound.
Company will start shipping of this product from 26 February. Pre booking also has been started from today onwards. The device will mainly use for video chatting, watching movies and TV shows. The Device will support few apps like Amazon Prime Video, Voot, Hotstar, Spotify and Apple music. Company has given Alexa voice assistant support in this smart device which makes the Echo Show 8 a next era speaker.
This will allow users to make calls hands-free, listen to music, watch TV and watch any movie. You just have to choose your desired option want to hear or watch. The video calling facility is only available if your friends and family have Skype, other Echo devices or the Alexa app.
Company has given Alexa voice assistant support in this smart device which makes the Echo Show 8 a next era speaker.This will allow users to make calls hands-free, listen to music, watch TV and watch any movie.You just have to choose your desired option want to hear or watch. The video calling facility is only available if your friends and family have Skype, other Echo devices or the Alexa app.
You can also connect your other stereo system, and any other smart devices from this device through Alexa App installed in your mobile, this smart speaker allows to send messages and immediately connect with person who have Echo devices with screens.
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