There has been a lot of debate after the announcement of two big companies in India to launch Wi-Fi calling service. But despite many rumors and discussion about Wi-Fi calling, no correct and accurate information has been available yet. In December, Airtel launched the Wi-Fi calling service in India, then a few days later the Wi-Fi calling service was also launched in India by Jio.
Can it possible that a service be launched by two big companies and not discussed? People are talking a lot about WiFi calling. In such a situation, we have tried to tell through the article related to Wi-Fi calling service for our users, what is WiFi? What technology works and what are its benefits?
What is WiFi-Calling:
WiFi calling is known as VoWiFi. VoWifi means Voice Over Wifi and well known word WiFi. It is a wireless internet. The calling you do through the WiFi network is done by Voice Over WiFi or WiFi calling.
How It Works?
To use the WiFi-Calling service, firstly your phone needs to be connected to WiFi, so it works only in those phones which have WiFi calling support. You cannot use VO-WiFi on all phones.
1- To use WiFi calling on your phone, turn on WiFi calling and if you have a dual SIM, then turn on the SIM in which you want to use WIFI. You can check this feature in your phone settings.
For Android device – Go to Settings> Connection Settings> Wi-Fi calling.
For iOS device – Go to Settings> Go to Phone> Wi-Fi calling.
2- As soon as WIFI is turned on, the VO-WiFi logo will appear on the home screen, meaning that your phone is connected to the VoWiFi.
3- Now when you make a call, when the mobile network is weak, it will automatically switch to the WIFI network and WiFi calling will become active. In such a situation, you will be able to talk clearly even in weak networks.
Is wifi calling free?
When VO-WiFi calling service started, it was discussed that there is free calling. But wifi calling is not free. There is a normal calling charge because it is a kind of additional service that strengthens the network. With this you can take advantage of clear and clear calling even in low network area. There is only a very minor charge, so people are not aware. Anyway, all calling is free in most plans.
How to enable wifi calling?
If this feature is in your phone, then you will see it in front or you can check it by going to Settings. It is a little tricky for any phone but it will be visible in most of the phones. There is no need to install a separate app or adopt a trick to make WiFi calling.
How WiFi calling is different from VoLTE calling:
VOLTE calling is by SIM, using only the mobile network while calling, while VO – WIFI calling uses both the mobile network and the WIFI network.
The biggest advantage of WiFi calling is that wherever there is no mobile network, if there is WiFi, then you will be able to talk on mobile easily, that too in crystal clear voice.
Which companies are offering wifi calling service?
In India, Airtel was the first to introduce WiFi calling. The company started this service only in December. Later this service was further improved because at that time Airtel’s WiFi calling used to work only on the WiFi service of its company, but now the benefit of this service can be taken on any WiFi. After Airtel, Reliance Jio has launched its WiFi calling service and is able to connect with all WiFi right from the launch of Jio service. Apart from this, no other major company has started this service in India.
Do all phones have wifi calling?
Although not all phones have WiFi calling, but in many phones this service has been enabled. Many companies including Samsung, Apple, Oppo, OnePlus and Xiaomi are launching phones with WiFi calling service. WiFi calling service will be available in many more phones in 2020. You can see the list of phones that have WiFi calling here.
For VoWi-fi Calling here are the all latest phones:
Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Oppo,ViVo, Realme supports wifi calling, which is lanched in December 2019.
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