At a time when the whole world is in the grip of corona, there is a state of hopelessness and depression, everywhere, measures are being taken to avoid the corona virus. The biggest companies are helping to keep their employees safe by offering work from home, so that they can protect themselves from going to the public place. How can Google lag behind in such a situation! Google has also launched a campaign to spread awareness among people and to make people aware. Under this initiative, Google has launched DO THE FIVE. Help stop corona virus .
It is an awareness program by the company to protect its users and their families from the dreaded corona virus.
How to search:
Whenever a user opens the site to do some search on Google.com, an image option will appear under the search engine, in which the paw opens, the link form next to it is “DO THE FIVE. Help stop corona virus” Will be written Clicking on it will reveal five instructions, which can be avoided by following the corona virus. Apart from Google, other companies are also coming forward to help their users and are alerting people in new ways.
Google Tips:

Those five insruction that Google has mentioned in DO THE FIVE are as follows:
- HANDS Wash them often
- ELBOW Cough into it
- FACE Don’t touch it
- SPACE Keep safe distance
- FEEL sick? Stay home
So in this difficult time google is also doing his best to support and fight with corona. This is very good and we should support google for this.
Do the five is very amazing launch from google which will aware us about the corona virus and we will be safe from it.
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