The developer preview of Android 11 is now begun and the Google has also working with android 11 to bring Chrome OS devices to run android apps. Though the Google has brought the first look of Android 11. The Chrome OS source code has given the name “eve-arc-r.” (ChromeOS Support Android 11)
The “eve” stands for Google Pixelbook’s internal code name and “arc” stands for Chrome’s Android runtime and “r” stand for Android 11.
It is also found that the Pixelbook will not be the only Android 11 enable device since the Chrome OS codename seen i.e. “arc-r”. The Chrome device is based on Mediatek MT8183 processor, which was found in Lenovo tablet.
The Chromebook, 10th generation Intel Core Processor is basically “Hatch” device. It means Samsung galaxy Chromebook can also be supportive with Android 11.
The Android Pei will no longer support for ChromeOS internal Linex Kernel, the old method of running android with ChromeOS ((ChromeOS Support Android 11)). And it is very exciting for new technologies enhancement.
Apart from that the Android 11 ChromeOS will switch to the new one method that is called “ARCVM” that will let Android run in a virtual machine and protect the ChromeOS kernel. Running Android on ChromeOS will be same as Linux apps running on Chromebook.

Though the Google made Android 10 to test with ChromeOS but somehow it cannot be happened. So it may be that the testing of Android 11 with Chromebooks would not surely succeeded because ChromeOs has canceled the Oreo last time. ChromeOS can be supportive with Android 10 but in present scenario it is more prominent to be with Android 11.
It is more possible that skipping Android 10, ChromeOS directly upgrade with the Android 11.Though Android 11 is still under review and the ChromeOs has begun its work, that may delay to upgrade for some more time.
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