How To Enable Dark Mode In WhatsApp ?

WhatsApp Dark Mode

Nowadays people like to keep dark mode in their gadgets, the reason behind this is that people have been aware of their eye health. Recently, there was a news of WhatsApp coming in this field that soon this facility will be available to the users in WhatsApp. If you want to enter dark mode in your mobile phone too, then the good news for you is that the company has made dark mode available for both Android and iOS.
If you want to enable Dark Mode on your Android or iOS device, you can, for this you must have Android Beta Q version.

Whatsapp dark mode on android:

First way:

Step 1- Go to Settings> Display> Choose Theme> Dark mode

Step 2- Go to Settings> About phone as soon as dark mode is on

Step 3- Scroll to ‘Build Number’ and tap on it 7 times.

Step 4- You will see a message pop-up saying ‘Developers option is on’. Tap on ‘Override Force-Dark’ so that you can apply the Dark theme to other apps.

Step 5- Dark mode is now enabled on WhatsApp.

Step 6- Whatsapp Settings> Wallpapers> None

Follow the second way as in Image

Second Way:

Step 1- First open the beta version of WhatsApp

Step 2- Then click on the right corner above the three dots.

Step 3- Choose Settings> Chat> Theme>

Step 4- Next, Theme Options> choose dark theme>

Whatsapp Dark Mode on iOS:

Step 1- Go to Settings> General> Accessibility> Display Housing> Invert Colors> Smart Invert

Step 2- Now you have enabled dark theme in all apps on the device

Step 3- Similar to Android, WhatsApp Settings> Wallpapers> None  

Now just you are able to use dark mode.