Are you also worried about your mobile data speed (speed up mobile data connection)? This is a very common thing when your mobile network is washed at the same time, whether it fails at the time of online payment or has trouble attaching files to send email. We feel very frustrated when we have to have internet function in mobile for any important or quick work.
Usually the slow connection of mobile is only for a short period of time, but sometimes it occurs frequently then there is a lot of irritation.
If you want to get rid of slow networks, you can fix this slow network issue by following few steps given below.
Also See: How to Increase Internet Speed: Follow these methods
1. Use anti-virus:
For the users of the Internet, having anti-virus in the mobile is an important requirement. Without which your PC or mobile can be subjected to viruses or malware and due to this the speed of internet is also affected. Once malware enters the system, it slows down the speed of both the mobile and the Internet. If you install a good anti-virus and update it continuously, then there will be no problem of slow speed.
2. Restart Your Phone
Just as if your PC slows down or hangs, you restart it by tapping on the restart or reboot button, similarly if your mobile network is not able to give good speed then you can press its power button to shut it down and start again or just tap reboot button. For this you just need to hold the power button until the power options appear on the screen, then tap it.
On start up, it will establish the connection again and to a great extent it is possible that a fresh connection will increase the speed of your mobile net
3. Change Locations
If you feel that the speed is coming down due to the mobile location, then you can change the location of your mobile, or bring your gadgets closer to the router if you are using Wi-Fi, so that you will know the difference of speed and you can adjust it correctly. And thus you will get rid of the problem of slow internet speed. Though there are many factors that can affect network service, including weather, network congestion, and even traveling. But among all, location is main.
4. Update and Disable Apps
There may be several app updates published by app developers. They may cause slow down your internet speed, to overcome this issue you have to change the phone setting as follows-
If your iPhone internet is slow, then go to Settings > Cellular and disable any app’s access to your cellular data connection.
On Android, go to Settings > Network & internet > Mobile network > App data usage. Tap an app, and then slide the Background data slider off to prevent that app from using data in the background.
Also you can do this by disabling the app’s access to your cellular data connection or uninstall unnecessary apps.
8. Re-Insert Your SIM Card
When all the tricks mentioned above have not worked, then you have one more option left and that is to get the SIM card out of the mobile and insert it again.
For this, you should first switch off the phone and then remove the SIM slot with which the SIM will come out.
When you insert the SIM again, make sure that the SIM is properly fitted in slot, after that you turn on the phone. This process works exactly as it does on restarting the phone.
This will reset your mobile data connection and start working.
5. Disable Data Saver or Low Data Mode
Both Android and iOS have functionality to reduce the data usage in your mobile. By default they are in normal mode but due to any cause its settings may disable or set to slower mode then you have to reset it, you also reset it back, for that you should follow the steps as below:
For Android, go to Settings > Network & internet > Data Saver.
If you have an iPhone, you can find a setting which is Low Data Mode under the Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options.
6. Disconnect From Your VPN
People use VPN for privacy and security but this can cause the slowing down network speeds using server remotely. So, if your phone is connected to a VPN, try disconnecting and try again. And then you can notice the improvements in phones data speed.
8. Reset Network Settings in Your Phone
By reset your phone’s network settings you can help your mobile data access or even Wi-Fi data access speedily. To do this you should reconnect with your Wi-Fi device or repairing with Bluetooth devices.
To reset network settings on your iPhone, open Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. And after entering your password your phone will restart.
On an Android phone, you have to go to Settings > System > Advanced > Reset options > Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth. This may be vary from phone to phone.
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At last:
After doing all this, if there is still an issue in the network, then you can take help from the company’s tech support, they will help you through proper guidance and give the best session.
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